It’s All About Your Home: Winter 2017
1. Take inventory on your belongings and decide which are functional, beautiful, and which are just stuff. Recycle, donate, or regift the superfluous!
2. Create fresh vignettes in eye-catching spots around your home. Group a treasured object, art books, and some greenery on an entry console.
3. Connect with loved ones. Invite family and friends over to enjoy your newly revived space.
Palazzo Fendi Lounge: Rome, Italy
All Roads Lead To Rome.
I am inspired anew by my love, bell’Italia. During a Fall visit to this magical land, I visited Palazzo Fendi to reconnect with old colleagues and toured the recently remodeled 17th century space. This chic, avante-garde room looks toward the future while maintaining historical roots, with its geometric lines and boiserie a deep teal. It exemplifies a design philosophy that our homes keep us grounded while giving us the space to thrive.