The snow and the wind gets New York City gritty real fast. Billowy white drifts are short-lived as sooty, dirt-specked, packed mounds of ice and muddy, slushy, wet puddles make themselves right at home. The view is bleak as we trundle through the cold in a city veiled in way more than 50 shades of grey ranging from hazy cloud cover to slick black ice. New York City’s Winter Canvas.

Upon this backdrop, both the Museum of Modern Art and the New Museum of Art exhibited shows that were anything but bleak. The joyful, bold and bright palette of Matisse’s Cut-Outs at MoMA and Chris Ofili’s sensual, warm, bright and textural works at New Museum, were both infused with unexpected, free and experimental interactions of color in art works masterful and rich. New York City’s Winter Colors.

No surprise then that my palette is experiencing a shift. I can’t get enough of warm, rich and bright jewel-toned colors around me. In various combinations and layers. An interior cycle is said to last 10-15 years while a fashion cycle for 2.5-5 years. 2015 is off to a very bright start indeed!

Site Design Chloe Heath Design
Site Development Alchemy + Aim